Please could someone give some guidance on the most efficient way to extract some values from an XML column? I've tried using substring and charindex within a case statement but this gets really messy and isn't the best performer. I would have thought that there is an XML function which would work better but struggling to find any examples online that use XML anything like this;
<pro:Import xmlns:pro="http://thenamespace/">
<pro:Control DatabaseName="varchar" UserName="varchar" Password="varchar" Company="varchar" Version="varchar" ErrorHandlingMode="varchar" />
<pro:Invoice RegisterInvoiceEvenIfParentOrdersAreInvalid="Bool" Tray="Varchar" Template="varchar" Supplier="varchar" SupplierInvoiceNumber="int" InvoiceDate="datetime" GrossValue="decimal" TaxValue="decimal" ImageReference="uniqueidentifier">
<pro:Reference Code="varchar" Value="datetime" />
<pro:Reference Code="varchar" Value="varchar" />
<pro:ParentOrder OrderNumber="varchar" />
<pro:Tax Band="varchar" Code="varchar" GrossValue="decimal" TaxValue="decimal" />
The values I want to extract will vary, as will the XML. This is one example but there may be times when the values i want to extract for some XML are not present in others.
There might always be a Supplier="xxxx"
but not a SupplierInvoiceNumber="xxxx"
and its position will vary.
For arguments sake though, lets say for this exercise i just want to pull out
& SupplierInvoiceNumber="int"
Thanks all :)
Your XML misses the closing final tag...
I've tried using substring and charindex within a case statement but this gets really messy and isn't the best performer.
It is a very bad idea to try to read from XML on string level...
Try it like this:
N'<pro:Import xmlns:pro="http://thenamespace/">
<pro:Control DatabaseName="varchar" UserName="varchar" Password="varchar" Company="varchar" Version="varchar" ErrorHandlingMode="varchar" />
<pro:Invoice RegisterInvoiceEvenIfParentOrdersAreInvalid="Bool" Tray="Varchar" Template="varchar" Supplier="varchar" SupplierInvoiceNumber="int" InvoiceDate="datetime" GrossValue="decimal" TaxValue="decimal" ImageReference="uniqueidentifier">
<pro:Reference Code="varchar" Value="datetime" />
<pro:Reference Code="varchar" Value="varchar" />
<pro:ParentOrder OrderNumber="varchar" />
<pro:Tax Band="varchar" Code="varchar" GrossValue="decimal" TaxValue="decimal" />
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'http://thenamespace/')
SELECT @xml.value('(/Import/Invoice/@Supplier)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Supplier
,@xml.value('(/Import/Invoice/@SupplierInvoiceNumber)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS SupplierInvoiceNumber
SELECT @xml.value('(//@Supplier)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Supplier
,@xml.value('(//@SupplierInvoiceNumber)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS SupplierInvoiceNumber