Search code examples

AnyChart 7.12.0 Gantt moving row event does not include index

I tried using the move example included here and e.itemIndex is undefined. My initial exploration of the e object fails to find an item index attribute. I would like to know the old index of the item being moved and the new index of the item.

var tree =, anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TABLE);
    tree.listen(anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_MOVE, function(e){
        chart.title.text("The "+e.itemIndex+" item was moved");

See my fiddle here:


  • Some trickery is needed, save the index:

      chart.listen(anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_DOWN, function(e) {
        var treeDataItem = e.item;
        absoluteSourceIndex = treeDataItem.meta('index');

    and then you go like this:

      treeData.listen(anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_MOVE, function(e) {
            Event e contains the following useful fields:
          e.type - Event type
          e.item - Moved item.
 - Target data item that becomes a parent of the moved item.
            If is null, the parent is tree itself and moved item becomes root.
          e.targetIndex - Index of moved item in target item 
            (or in roots of tree if is null)  
          e.source - Source data item, where the item moved from.
          e.sourceIndex - Old index of the moved item of the previous parent.
        var treeDataItem = e.item;
        alert('Old absolute index: ' + absoluteSourceIndex + '\n' +
            'New absolute index: ' + treeDataItem.meta('index') + '\n' +
            'Old index in old parent tree data item: ' + e.sourceIndex + '\n' +
            'New index in new parent tree data item: ' + e.targetIndex);

    Here is a working sample: