Search code examples

How to get all distinct values of all columns but keep the original table structure?

I have a table with 5 columns in HANA.The table name is students and following are the fields- name, age, address,gender,score.I need to get the distinct values of each of the columns.For eg, the table is-

      Name  Age  Address  Gender  Score
      A      1     abc      F      10
      C      3     abc      M      10
      B      2     def      M      5
      C      3     ghi      F      10
      D      2     def      M      5

Expected results is-

      Name  Age  Address  Gender  Score
      A      1     abc      F      10
      B      2     def      M      5
      C      3     ghi            

Please suggest how to achieve this using views or odata.None of the discussions available seem to be useful.I do not want UNION because it combines all the values into one column in the result.


  • I don't have access to Hana, but this might do the job

    select      min (name)    as name
               ,min (Age)     as Age
               ,min (Address) as Address
               ,min (Gender)  as Gender
               ,min (Score)   as Score
    from        (           select Name ,Age  ,Address ,Gender ,Score ,1000000000  as n                     from students where 1=2
                union all   select Name ,null ,null    ,null   ,null  ,row_number() over (order by Name)    from students group by Name
                union all   select null ,Age  ,null    ,null   ,null  ,row_number() over (order by Age)     from students group by Age
                union all   select null ,null ,Address ,null   ,null  ,row_number() over (order by Address) from students group by Address
                union all   select null ,null ,null    ,Gender ,null  ,row_number() over (order by Gender)  from students group by Gender
                union all   select null ,null ,null    ,null   ,Score ,row_number() over (order by Score)   from students group by Score
                ) s
    group by    n   
    order by    n

    | name | age | address | gender | score  |
    | A    | 1   | abc     | F      | 5      |
    | B    | 2   | def     | M      | 10     |
    | C    | 3   | ghi     |        |        |

    For educational purposes, here are the results of the inner query:

    | name | age | address | gender | score | n |
    | A    |     |         |        |       | 1 |
    | B    |     |         |        |       | 2 |
    | C    |     |         |        |       | 3 |
    |      | 1   |         |        |       | 1 |
    |      | 2   |         |        |       | 2 |
    |      | 3   |         |        |       | 3 |
    |      |     | abc     |        |       | 1 |
    |      |     | def     |        |       | 2 |
    |      |     | ghi     |        |       | 3 |
    |      |     |         | F      |       | 1 |
    |      |     |         | M      |       | 2 |
    |      |     |         |        | 5     | 1 |
    |      |     |         |        | 10    | 2 |