Well I have a simple for loop to take user input and creat a file with this input, then ask for the next input and create "file2" etc., but I can't seem to figure out how my user can quit the loop with a certain input (maybe "exit" or "end").
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set x=1
set /p names="Enter header for file !x!:"
for %%a in (%names%) do (>>file!x!.txt (echo %%~a) set /a x+=1)
if !names!=end goto:eof else goto:runName
echo press any key to close pause>nul
Ps. Sorry for the poor formatting, I cant figure how to enter my code in the grey field from my phone and dont have a computer at the moment.
I'm not quite shure why the input prompt says header.
Here is my best guess what you may have meant:
@Echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set x=1
Set "names="
set /p names="Enter header for file%x%:"
if not defined names goto :end
if /I "%names%" Equ "end" goto :end
for %%a in (%names%) do (echo:%%~a)
) >file!x!.txt
set /a x+=1
goto :runName
echo press any key to close
Enter header for file1:anton bertha caesar
Enter header for file2:anchorage berlin
Enter header for file3:END
press any key to close
File content
> type file*.txt