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variable length arguments with generic types scala

I have a simple abstract data type, a tree.

sealed trait Tree[A]
case object EmptyTree extends Tree[Nothing]
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
case class Node[A](op: A => A, branches: List[Tree[A]]) extends Tree[A]

How can i make the operation that a Node holds to accept a variable length number of arguments of type A?

An exemple:

def printAll(strings: String*) {

printAll receives a variable number of strings.

In the same way i wanted to make my Tree to hold an operation op of the type A* => A.

A possible way would be to make it receive a List[A], but i wonder if there isn't a more direct way of doing this.

by the way can i also turn branches: List[Tree[A]] into something like branches: Tree[A]*. Does this make sense from a design perspective?


  • You can use Seq in the signature, then you will be able to pass varargs functions

    sealed trait Tree[A]
    case object EmptyTree extends Tree[Nothing]
    case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
    case class Node[A](op: Seq[A] => A, branches: List[Tree[A]]) extends Tree[A]
    object Test {
      Node[String](test[String], List())
      def test[A](elem: A*): A = ???