I'm pretty new to Docker orchestration and managing a fleet of containers. I'm wanting to build an app that would give the user a container when they ran a command. What is the best tool and best way to accomplish this?
I plan on having a pool of CoreOS servers to run the containers on and I'm imagining the scheduler to have an API that I can just call to create the container.
Most of what I have seen with Nomad, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc is how to provision multiple clusters of containers all doing the same thing. I'm wanting to be able to create a single container based on a users command and then be able to communicate with an API on that container. Anyone have experience with this?
I'd look at Kubernetes + the Jobs API (short lived) or Deployments (long lived)
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by command, but I'll assume its some sort of dev env triggered by a CLI, make-dev
, which sends a webhook to your app sitting in front of the Jobs API, ideally doing rate-limiting and/or auth.devclusters.com/foobar123
This should scale well, and if your different environments use the same base container image, they should start really fast.
Plug: If you want an easy CoreOS + Kubernetes cluster plus a UI try https://coreos.com/tectonic