I'm using Directory API with PHP to retrieve all users. A response for a user who has a phone number added looks like this:
Google_Service_Directory_User Object ( [collection_key:protected] => nonEditableAliases [addresses] => [agreedToTerms] => 1 [aliases] => [changePasswordAtNextLogin] => [creationTime] => 2016-11-29T14:21:30.000Z [customSchemas] => [customerId] => 1234 [deletionTime] => [emails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [address] => test@companymail.com [primary] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [address] => test@companymail.com ) ) [etag] => "tagg" [externalIds] => [hashFunction] => [id] => 12344 [ims] => [includeInGlobalAddressList] => 1 [ipWhitelisted] => [isAdmin] => [isDelegatedAdmin] => 1 [isMailboxSetup] => 1 [kind] => admin#directory#user [lastLoginTime] => 2016-12-12T10:13:31.000Z [nameType:protected] => Google_Service_Directory_UserName [nameDataType:protected] => [nonEditableAliases] => Array ( [0] => test@companymail.com.test-google-a.com [1] => test@companymail.com ) [notes] => [orgUnitPath] => / [organizations] => [password] => [phones] => [primaryEmail] => test@companymail.com [relations] => [suspended] => [suspensionReason] => [thumbnailPhotoEtag] => [thumbnailPhotoUrl] => [websites] => [internal_gapi_mappings:protected] => Array ( ) [modelData:protected] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [givenName] => TestNAme [familyName] => TestNAme [fullName] => TestNAme TestNAme ) ) [processed:protected] => Array ( ) )
The phone number was set 5 days ago (it's there), but as you can see the "phones" array is empty.
This is how I use the API:
$directory_service = new Google_Service_Directory($client);
$params = array('domain' => $domain);
$results = $directory_service->users->listUsers($params);
$users = $results->getUsers();
I can't figure out what's wrong. Do I need to enable any settings? How can I get users' phone numbers?
Thanks in advance.
You might have added phone numbers for the domain contact but in your own contacts data. These will display 'merged' with the domain contact details in the Contacts UI and appear correct to you. They won't be visible to others though or be stored in the domain data.
Do this for testing:
and click Execute. You should see the phone data in the JSON returned. Once you can do this you can retest your PHP code.