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How can I get the distinct values of all columns in a single table in Postgres?

Ideally I'd like to run a single query that returns a table where each row is a column name of a specified table, and jsonb array of all the distinct values in the table corresponding to that column.

The tricky part seems to be doing so dynamically, where I can specify just the table and not each individual column.

I can retrieve all the column names of the relevant table from information_schema.columns, but is there an easy way to couple this with a query to retrieve all the distinct values for each column?


  • create table example(id int primary key, str text, val numeric);
    insert into example values
    (1, 'a', 1),
    (2, 'a', 2),
    (3, 'b', 2);
    select key, array_agg(distinct value)
    from example, jsonb_each_text(to_jsonb(example))
    group by key;
     key | array_agg 
     id  | {1,2,3}
     str | {a,b}
     val | {1,2}
    (3 rows)    


    select key, json_agg(distinct value)
    from example, jsonb_each(to_jsonb(example))
    group by key;
     key |  json_agg  
     id  | [1, 2, 3]
     str | ["a", "b"]
     val | [1, 2]
    (3 rows)