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Sign document using RSA

I haven't done anything similar before and after reading about this I'm still not sure on how to progress.

I have a RSA private key which is protected using a password, stored as text in the local database, and this is my fist problem, how to get the orginal RSA private key.

The second part, relates to signing a document. Basically I have the following method signature which I have to implement:

string GenerateDocumentSignature(string privateKey, string password, string documentId)

So within this methods I will have to reverse the private key and thena apply a RSA encryption.

Can you guys shed some light on how to archive this? Thanks


  • I was able to get it working using BouncyCastle:

    public class SignDocsProvider : ISignDocsProvider
        public string GenerateSignature(string privateKey, string password, string documentId)
            var keyPair = ReadPrivateKey(privateKey, password);
            var sha1Digest = new Sha1Digest();
            var rsaDigestSigner = new RsaDigestSigner(sha1Digest);
            rsaDigestSigner.Init(true, keyPair);
            var documentIdToSign = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(documentId);
            rsaDigestSigner.BlockUpdate(documentIdToSign, 0, documentIdToSign.Length);
            return Convert.ToBase64String(rsaDigestSigner.GenerateSignature());
        private static AsymmetricKeyParameter ReadPrivateKey(string privateKey, string password)
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair;
            using (var reader = new StringReader(privateKey))
                keyPair = (AsymmetricCipherKeyPair)new PemReader(reader, new PasswordFinder(password)).ReadObject();
            return keyPair.Private;
    internal class PasswordFinder : IPasswordFinder
        private readonly string _password;
        public PasswordFinder(string password)
            _password = password;
        public char[] GetPassword()
            return _password.ToCharArray();