I need to exclude a pod from my podfile
depends on the platform. I don't want to add another target, my podfile
needs have only 1 target.
Here an example:
target 'single_target' do
#if platform is iOS
pod 'PodForIOS'
#if platform is OSX
pod 'PodForOSX'
My issue: How can I specify which pods belongs to which platform ?
Finnaly I've found a solution
In the podfile
target 'single_target' do
pod 'PodForIOS'
pod 'PodForOSX'
In the .podspec
# Speficy platforms
s.platform = :ios, :osx
s.ios.deployment_target = '6.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.8'
# Set dependency
s.ios.dependency 'PodForIOS'
s.osx.dependency 'PodForOSX'