I have the following hex values:
a = '55 D1 1F 81';
b = '9A D2 1F 81';
c = 'EF D3 1F 81';
d = '79 D4 1F 81';
and I wish to convert them into binary and then to decimal. the way I would like the result is as shown below.
I also have written a code. However it does not give me the required result.
It converts the data into binary but flips the binary values and then messes up the final decimal result.
Here is the code:
a = '55 D1 1F 81';
b = '9A D2 1F 81';
c = 'EF D3 1F 81';
d = '79 D4 1F 81';
s = {a;b;c;d};
%s = cellfun(@strsplit, s, 'UniformOutput', false);
s = regexp(s,'(\w)','match');
s = vertcat(s{:});
%s = fliplr(s);
% Iterate over each row
for rowNum = 1:size(s,1)
% To build up binary string from left to right
binaryString = [];
% Iterate over each column
for colNum = 1:size(s,2)
% Convert hex -> dec -> 8-bit binary word
outputBin = dec2bin(hex2dec(s{rowNum,end+1-colNum}), 4);
binaryString = [binaryString, outputBin];
% Save solution to output array:
outputBinary{rowNum, colNum} = binaryString;
outputDec(rowNum, colNum) = bin2dec(binaryString);
Can anybody please help me in fixing this problem?
You can use the following function:
function C = HDB(s) %Hex Dec Bin
s = regexp(s,'(\w)','match');
c1 = flip([s{:}].');
len = 1:length(c1);
hex = arrayfun(@(x) c1(1:x).',len,'UniformOutput',0)
C.hex = arrayfun(@(x) flip(hex{x}),len,'UniformOutput',0)
C.dec = arrayfun(@(x) hex2dec(C.hex{x}),len,'UniformOutput',0)
C.bin = arrayfun(@(x) dec2bin(C.dec{x}),len,'UniformOutput',0)
For example for you array a
you can use:
C = HDB(a)
hex =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 81
[1,3] = F81
[1,4] = 1F81
[1,5] = 11F81
[1,6] = D11F81
[1,7] = 5D11F81
[1,8] = 55D11F81
dec =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 129
[1,3] = 3969
[1,4] = 8065
[1,5] = 73601
[1,6] = 13705089
[1,7] = 97591169
[1,8] = 1.4398e+09
bin =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 10000001
[1,3] = 111110000001
[1,4] = 1111110000001
[1,5] = 10001111110000001
[1,6] = 110100010001111110000001
[1,7] = 101110100010001111110000001
[1,8] = 1010101110100010001111110000001