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Mailgun account disabled soon after signing up

I was trying to test/explore mailgun for email service. Soon after signing up I am getting the following text

enter image description here

Then I thought that it could be because I haven't verified any domain. But, when I try to add a domain I am getting the following msg:

enter image description here

And when I tried to send email, using gem 'mailgun-ruby', '~>1.1.2' and mailgun sandboxdomain, from ruby console I have the following errors displayed

enter image description here

Seems like account disabled is the issue here. I had just signedup and my account is disabled. Any help on this?


  • So you've stumbled across some of the automated checks that mailgun uses to filter out spam accounts. It doesn't mean your intent or use is spam, it could be because the IP address was flagged in the past.

    This is their webpage that explains what's happened and what information they'll need from you to reactivate your account.