i have this code below:
wordSearch = "ghi"
lst = ['c:/test/abc.bat','c:/test/test1/def.bat','c:/123/ghi.exe','c:/test/testing/aa/jkl.bat']
by searching "ghi" I would like it to return "c:/123/ghi.exe". So, ultimately i want it to iterate through the list and return an element that contains specific text.
Many thanks.
Use a list comprehension like this:
[item for item in lst if wordSearch in item]
The above line will return any item that contains wordSearch
>>> wordSearch = "ghi"
>>> lst = ['c:/test/abc.bat','c:/test/test1/def.bat','c:/123/ghi.exe','c:/test/testing/aa/jkl.bat']
>>> [item for item in lst if wordSearch in item]