I have one spring boot app which contains spring security with formLogin being added and custom loginPage . Whenever I get authenticated then it will send me to the defaultSuccessUrl which is /app/dashboard and it sends with the schema http I been trying all day to just make the successUrl schema to be https just tweaking some changes on application.properties and sometimes with Bean but i am still not able to make it happen. My application is in cloudfoundry which and i don't have 80 port but only 443(https) .
My configuration in spring is like this :
.antMatchers("/", "/forbidden", "/index.html", "/webjars/*", "/app.js", "/access/*", "/signup", "/l10n/*.js", "/", "/tpl/**/*.html", "/fonts/**/*.woff").permitAll()
.and().addFilterAfter(new CsrfHeaderFilter(), CsrfFilter.class).
.and() .httpBasic().disable()
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("access/logout"))
I did also tried to use absolute url with https but it is not working good.
Did you try requiresChannel()
and requiresSecure()
? For particular url to be accessible via https, you can try
For all requests to go through https, you can use like
You can use port mapping like below.