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Accessing public Instagram content via Instagram API without expiring accesstoken

i want to show public contents from instagram related to a specific hashtag (everything works fine with that) but i can't to renew the access_token everytime it expires.

("do not assume your access_token is valid forever." -

To renew it manually is not an option i have to make sure there is a valid access_token at ANY time without re-authenticating.

Any ideas or questions? :)


  • I have one idea, but without API (and access_token). You can make requests to the web-version of Instagram with ?__a=1 parameter. I do not know how long it will work but now there is workflow:

    1. You want to show public content with hashtag space, for example.
    2. Add it to url and add GET-parameter ?__a=1:
    3. Make the GET-request. It returns json with nodes in top_posts (8) and media (18). Each node has owner, caption, number of comments and likes. But the most important part is in thumbnail_src and display_src.
    4. There is page_info in media object which helps to paginate results. You need end_cursor (for example, J0HWE9rjAAAAF0HWE9qvgAAAFiYA)
    5. Add the value from end_cursor to the url:
    6. Repeat 3-6 to get newest posts with specific hashtag.