So I have a piece of very repetitive code which needs to be minimized because the LMS I am required to use requires max 2000 character input. This 2000 characters is the "CASE" statement, not the "FROM" statement which comes later.
Basically, I have a feedback form that users submit through the LMS, and I want to take that information and build a report from the multiple tables.
Here is the code to get the response:
case when
(select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628
and i.position = 1
and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id) = 1 then 'Highly Satisfied'
(select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628
and i.position = 1
and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id) = 2 then 'Satisfied'
(select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628
and i.position = 1
and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id) = 3 then 'Disatisfied'
(select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628
and i.position = 1
and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id) = 4 then 'Highly Disatisfied'
(select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628
and i.position = 1
and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id) = 0 then 'Neither' else '' end
t_qti_evaluation_status a
INNER JOIN t_qti_item_evaluation b
ON a.evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id
INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluation c
ON a.content_id = c.content_id
INNER JOIN t_qti_content d
ON a.content_id = d.content_id
INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON b.response_id = e.response_id
INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = b.subitem_id
INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationmaterial i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
INNER JOIN person p
ON a.candidate_id = p.person_id
So the only thing that changes is whether the response is a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 0 (the values I associated to the response in the feedback form). Also, some alterations need to be made to include more "i.flowmaterial_id" which is why the code fails (too many characters)
As you can see, very repetitive, so I created this (which works in SQL but not in the LMS):
declare @test varchar(100) = (select e.response_value
t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
i.position = 1 and i.flowmaterial_id = 1246978
--connects to the outer query
--and r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id
@result varchar(100)
select @result = CASE @test
WHEN 1 THEN 'Highly Satisfied'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Satisfied'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Dissatisfied'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Highly Dissatisfied'
WHEN 0 THEN 'Neither'
print @result
The problem with this is that the LMS will ONLY take a select statement as an input, it is not something that you can just dump code and it runs it.
So what I am asking is, is it possible to improve the code a lot so that I am able to add more IDs, or somehow get the 2nd code within a select statement so that it can be put in the LMS.
Not sure what SQL version the LMS is using, but I am testing in SQL 2014
Sorry for the extended question, it is just specific.
Use the other form of the case
(case (select e.response_value
from t_qti_item_evaluation r INNER JOIN t_qti_response e
ON r.response_id = e.response_id INNER JOIN t_qti_evaluationflowmaterial f
ON f.subitem_id = r.subitem_id INNER JOIN [t_qti_evaluationmaterial] i
ON i.flowmaterial_id = f.flowmaterial_id
where i.flowmaterial_id = 1385628 and
i.position = 1 and
r.item_evaluation_id = b.item_evaluation_id
when 1 then 'Highly Satisfied'
when 2 then 'Satisfied'
when 3 then 'Disatisfied'
when 4 then 'Highly Disatisfied'
when 0 then 'Neither'
else ''