In RubyMine 2016, is there a way to navigate from a route to a controller action? I see a friend doing something similar in PyCharm with Cmd+B but I can't make it work in RubyMine.
Also refactoring a controller action in RubyMine won't rename the name of the method in the route. PyCharm seems to work flawlessly with Python.
So I have these routes
root 'application#hello'
get '/goodbye' => 'application#goodbye'
When I position my cursor on #hello (root route) and hit Cmd+B it should go to the application_controller.rb action "hello":
def hello
# render text: "Hey kumpel"
render({:text => "Hey kumpel"})
But I get the message "Cannot find declaration to go to".
install Railways plugin. It does exactly what you want