Rao QE is a weighted Euclidian distance matrix. I have the vectors for the elements of the d_ijs in a data table dt, one column per element (say there are x of them). p is the final column. nrow = S. The double sums are for the lower left (or upper right since it is symmetric) elements of the distance matrix.
If I only needed an unweighted distance matrix I could simply do dist() over the x columns. How do I weight the d_ijs by the product of p_i and p_j?
And example data set is at https://github.com/GeraldCNelson/nutmod/blob/master/RaoD_example.csv with the ps in the column called foodQ.ratio.
You still start with dist
for the raw Euclidean distance matrix. Let it be D
. As you will read from R - How to get row & column subscripts of matched elements from a distance matrix, a "dist" object is not a real matrix, but a 1D array. So first do D <- as.matrix(D)
or D <- dist2mat(D)
to convert it to a complete matrix before the following.
Now, let p
be the vector of weights, the Rao's QE is just a quadratic form q'Dq / 2
c(crossprod(p, D %*% p)) / 2
Note, I am not doing everything in the most efficient way. I have performed a symmetric matrix-vector multiplication D %*% p
using the full D
rather than just its lower triangular part. However, R does not have a routine doing triangular matrix-vector multiplication. So I compute the full version than divide 2.
This doubles computation amount that is necessary; also, making D
a full matrix doubles memory costs. But if your problem is small to medium size this is absolutely fine. For large problem, if you are R and C wizard, call BLAS routine dtrmv or even dtpmv for the triangular matrix-vector computation.
I just found this simple paper: Rao's quadratic entropy as a measure of functional diversity based on multiple traits for definition and use of Rao's EQ. It mentions that we can replace Euclidean distance with Mahalanobis distance. In case we want to do this, use my code in Mahalanobis distance of each pair of observations for fast computation of Mahalanobis distance matrix.