I'm working on this Scala Play application and after researching and thinking for a bit ended favoring a design that places all forms under a form package at the level where they are used in the views (or the topmost level that applies) e.g.
| views
| account
| form (all Form used by account will be here)
| PasswordChangeForm.scala
Then the PasswordChangeForm.scala
form is implemented as:
package views.account.form
import play.api.data.Form
import play.api.data.Forms.{mapping, text}
import play.api.i18n.Messages
case class PasswordChange(password: String, repeatPassword: String)
object PasswordChangeForm {
val Instance = Form {
"password" -> text(minLength = 5),
"repeatPassword" -> text(minLength = 5)
data => data.password != null && !data.password.isEmpty && data.password.equals(data.repeatPassword))
The problem is I don't see how I can make Messages
or better MessagesApi
available to the forms for the error reporting.
The compiler error is as expected could not find implicit value for parameter messages: play.api.i18n.Messages
[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/views/account/form/PasswordChangeForm.scala:15: could not find implicit value for parameter messages: play.api.i18n.Messages
[error] verifying(Messages("playauthenticate.change_password.error.passwords_not_same"),
UPDATE A possibility is to refactor the solution above from:
val Instance = Form {
def create(implicit messages: Messages) = Form {
but then it will create a new instance of the Form
each time.
Make your PasswordChangeForm
a singleton class and Inject MessagesApi
using guice dependency Injection.
class PasswordChangeForm @Inject() (messages: MessagesApi) {
//now use it like this messages("somekey")
The above structure is singleton and is ensured by guice. Guice injects messages api during the initialisation of PasswordChangeForm