I am trying to use BitmapData.draw() on a video object, but using the OSMF framework.
My hosting service has set up the following so that I can access my rtmp video:
<VideoSampleAccess enabled="true">/</VideoSampleAccess>
Simplified code is as follows:
_videoURL = "my-url-here"
resource = new StreamingURLResource(_videoURL);
videoElement = new VideoElement(resource);
_player.media = videoElement;
_player.autoPlay = true;
// later on, pause the player at the end
// get the Video object
videoObj = _player.displayObject as Video;
// detach the netstream
// get the bitmap from the Video object and draw on it..
bmpdata:BitmapData = new BitmapData(videoObj);
However, I am getting the following error message:
SecurityError: Error #2135: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: ...
If you are streaming from Adobe Media Server the parameter needs to be set server side http://www.shell-tips.com/2009/08/30/flash-how-to-fix-the-security-sandbox-violation-bitmapdata-draw/ I came across this when I attempted to create a reflection of the video stream under the video player. Most CDN's will allow you to customize your media server application code... If not you need to change CDN's or switch to progressive playback