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Swagger complex response model with dynamic key value hash maps

I'm struggling with the syntax of swagger to describe a response type. What I'm trying to model is a hash map with dynamic keys and values. This is needed to allow a localization. The languages may vary, but english should always be provided.

The response would look like this in JSON:

  id: "1234",
  name: {
    en: "english text",
    de: "Deutscher Text"

My first try was looking like that, but I have no idea how to write the part for the name. AdditionalProperties seems to be a key, but I can't wrap my head around it. Also the requirement for english text is a mystery to me in this syntax and the example also does not seem to work as expected. It generates an empty $folded: in the UI.

  type: object
      type: string
      description: Identifier for a delay reason.
      type: object
        type: string
  required: [id, name]
    id: 123
      en: english text
      de: Deutscher Text

But this produces: swagger editor result

There is also no clue in this that the result will have a language code as a key and the text as the value of the hash map.


  • It seems you are running into at least three separate bugs and/or limitations:

    1. Neither Swagger-Editor nor Swagger-UI provides any indication in the documentation format to show that additionalProperties are allowed in your object schema. So even where you've used additionalProperties correctly, and it's recognized by the Swagger parser, these documentation formats won't show it. You need to add this detail to your schema description, so users understand that they can include additional string properties.

      Note: You probably also expect the additional property names to follow a convention, e.g. a two-letter language code. While full JSON Schema lets you specify this with patternProperties, unfortunately, that's not supported in Swagger's schema object. So again, you should specify that in your schema description.

    2. The Swagger-Editor format sometimes shows this odd "folded:" property. I saw it this morning, now strangely I cannot reproduce it. It might have been hot-fixed today. But regardless, it's certainly a bug, and specific to Swagger-Editor. It should not affect your downstream code generation, nor the standard Swagger-UI that presents your API documentation to client developers at runtime. (Though the documentation pane in Swagger-Editor looks similar to Swagger-UI, it is a separate implementation.)

    3. There are some subtle but significant limitations to the use of additionalProperties in Swagger. While Helen's example doesn't show any visible errors, in fact, the Swagger parser will fail to process this schema correctly; it will ignore either your explicitly declared en property, or will ignore additionalProperties!

    This last issue comes down to a design flaw in Swagger-Model, one of the core components used throughout the Swagger Java stack (including Swagger-Codegen). Schemas defined in certain contexts can work with a combination of properties and additionalProperties. But schemas defined in other contexts cannot.

    We've documented this in detail here.

    The good news: with a small tweak, we can make Helen's example work correctly. We just need to extract the nested object schema into its own top-level definition. I'll call it LocalizedName:

        type: object
            type: string
            description: Identifier for a delay reason.
            $ref: '#/definitions/LocalizedName'
        required: [id, name]
          id: '123' # Note the quotes to force the value as a string
            en: English text
            de: Deutscher Text
        type: object
        description: A hashmap with language code as a key and the text as the value.
            type: string
            description: English text of a delay reason.
        required: [en]
          type: string