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Detect self intersection of a polygon with n sides?

I am using Google Maps SDK to allow a user to draw a polygon on the map by tapping. Everything works perfectly is the user is to draw a polygon following a path and continues on that path without crossing over lines. If that happens, this result is produced:

Done properly Example

However, if the user is to make an error and cross over or change the direction of their "tapping" path this happens:

Error Example

I need to either:
A) alert the user that they have created an invalid polygon, and must undo that action, or
B) correct the polygon shape to form a complete polygon.

With the research I have done, option A seems much more feasible and simple since option B would require rearranging the path of the polygon points.

I have done research and found algorithms and formulas to detect line intersection, but I am yet to find any piece of a solution in Swift to recognize if a polygon self-intersects based off of points (in this case, latitude and longitude). I don't need to know the point, just TRUE or FALSE to the question, "Does this Polygon self-intersect?" The polygon will typically have less than 20 sides.

Perhaps there is a solution built in with the GoogleMaps SDK, but I am yet to find it. Also, I understand that there are already algorithms for problems such as these, I am just having trouble implementing them into Swift 2 or 3. Any help is appreciated, thanks!


  • This seems to be working pretty well for what I need. Adopted from Rob's answer here

     func intersectionBetweenSegmentsCL(p0: CLLocationCoordinate2D, _ p1: CLLocationCoordinate2D, _ p2: CLLocationCoordinate2D, _ p3: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D? {
        var denominator = (p3.longitude - p2.longitude) * (p1.latitude - p0.latitude) - (p3.latitude - p2.latitude) * (p1.longitude - p0.longitude)
        var ua = (p3.latitude - p2.latitude) * (p0.longitude - p2.longitude) - (p3.longitude - p2.longitude) * (p0.latitude - p2.latitude)
        var ub = (p1.latitude - p0.latitude) * (p0.longitude - p2.longitude) - (p1.longitude - p0.longitude) * (p0.latitude - p2.latitude)
        if (denominator < 0) {
            ua = -ua; ub = -ub; denominator = -denominator
        if ua >= 0.0 && ua <= denominator && ub >= 0.0 && ub <= denominator && denominator != 0 {
            return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: p0.latitude + ua / denominator * (p1.latitude - p0.latitude), longitude: p0.longitude + ua / denominator * (p1.longitude - p0.longitude))
        return nil

    I then implemented like this:

     if coordArray.count > 2 {
            let n = coordArray.count - 1
            for i in 1 ..< n {
                for j in 0 ..< i-1 {
                    if let intersection = intersectionBetweenSegmentsCL(coordArray[i], coordArray[i+1], coordArray[j], coordArray[j+1]) {
                        // do whatever you want with `intersection`
                        print("Error: Intersection @ \(intersection)")