Is there a way to set up a generic analysis account in Sonar that anyone could use to just Execute Analyses? We have 100s of developers in the organization, and we want everyone to run a pre-commit analysis, but I really don't want to create individual user accounts for everyone, so my goal was to have one generic user that we could generate a token for and give out to everyone. At first I did this by creating a user that has the "Execute Analysis" permission, but my concern with this is that it allows every user to get the secured settings like the scm passwords, jira login, etc., and I don't really want them to be able to get that info. Is there a way to set up a generic account without it having the ability to do this?
For reasons detailed in this answer your devs should not be doing the kind of analysis pre-commit that needs a token.
You should instead be looking at SonarLint.