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How is Unicode (UTF-16) data that is out of collation stored in varchar column?

This is purely theoretical question to wrap my head around

Let's say I have Unicode cyclone (🌀 1F300) symbol. If I try to store it in varchar column that has default Latin1_General_CI_AS collation, cyclone symbol cannot not fit into one byte that is used per symbol in varchar...

The ways I can see this done:

  1. Like javascript does for symbols out of Basic plane(BMP) where it stores them as 2 symbols (surrogate pairs), and then additional processing is needed to put them back together...
  2. Just truncate the symbol, store first byte and drop the second.... (data is toast - you should have read the manual....)
  3. Data is destroyed and nothing of use is saved... (data is toast - you should have read the manual....)
  4. Some other option that is outside of my mental capacity.....

I have done some research after inserting couple of different unicode symbols

 INSERT INTO [Table] (Field1)
 VALUES ('👽')

 INSERT INTO [Table] (Field1)
 VALUES ('🌀')

and then reading them as bytes SELECT cast (field1 as varbinary(10)) in both cases I got 0x3F3F.

enter image description here

3F in ascii is ? (question mark) e.g two question marks (??) that I also see when doing normal select * does that mean that data is toast and not even 1st bite is being stored?

How is Unicode data that is out of collation stored in varchar column?


  • The data is toast and is exactly what you see, 2 x 0x3F bytes. This happens during the type conversion prior to the insert and is effectively the same as cast('👽' as varbinary(2)) which is also 0xF3F3 (as opposed to casting N'👽').

    When Unicode data must be inserted into non-Unicode columns, the columns are internally converted from Unicode by using the WideCharToMultiByte API and the code page associated with the collation. If a character cannot be represented on the given code page, the character is replaced by a question mark (?) Ref.