How do I manage to link from a given shiny part to parts that are located on other tabs/panels?
The solution I drafted below works for the explicit case of linking to tabs/panels (and that's what I asked for).
However, I'd be interested to also know about more generic ways of linking parts of a shiny app.
I'd like to link from panel A to panel B, but I'm not quite sure what I need to specify as an action when the action link in panel A is clicked.
The value #tab-4527-2
came from investigating the HTML output of ui
, but I just saw that those values change each time I restart the app.
# UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
actionLink("link_to_tabpanel_b", "Link to panel B")
h3("Some information"),
tags$li("Item 1"),
tags$li("Item 2")
# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$link_to_tabpanel_b, {
tags$a(href = "#tab-4527-2")
shinyApp(ui, server)
We have just released a routing library, which makes linking in Shiny easy. Here's how it looks like in a nutshell.
route("<your_app_url>/main", main_page_shiny_ui),
route("<your_app_url>/other", other_page_shiny_ui)
More information can be found in this blog post.