Ran into strange problem of having issue while on Debian's Xfce.
I have 3 window applications running:
(I forget if that's the order they appear in by default or not)
Now, I minimized the three and walked away from computer. Then I come back and wake up computer from screen saver. I move mouse towards the top bar to click to restore a window so I can view that window. However the 3 bars disappeared!
Here is what I mean by 3 bars - this is example of what they look like
This wasn't too much a problem for deluge and firefox as a simple restart I was OK with.
Problem: I have Mousepad running with several important unsaved files (somewhat ironic in this day and age, heh). I have Task Manager PID of that same mousepad (1274 to be exact) and I was wondering how/can I save those files? Can I somehow save through command line with the pid? Or more simply can I restore the window to view it and save visually?
I have seen the xcfe4 panel misbehaving in certain computers when resuming from suspend, hibernation or even when the screen is turned off by the screensaver.
Generally, that happens because of a "crash" on the xcfe4 panel itself, your applications are probably running fine on the background, only their GUI representation have "disappeared". Try restarting the panel to see if the windows come back:
xfce4-panel -r
Also, you may try to launch a new instance of Mousepad -- if it opens, it would probably show the unsaved files there.