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How to use the Scikit learn CountVectorizer?

I have a set of words for which I have to check whether they are present in the documents.

WordList = [w1, w2, ..., wn]

Another set have list of documents on which I have to check whether these words are present or not.

How to use scikit-learn CountVectorizer so that the features of term-document matrix are only words from WordList and each row represents each particular document with no of times the word from the given list appears in their respective column?


  • Ok. I get it. The code is given below:

    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
    # Counting the no of times each word(Unigram) appear in document. 
    vectorizer = CountVectorizer(input='content',binary=False,ngram_range=(1,1))
    # First set the vocab
    vectorizer =
    # Now transform the text contained in each document i.e list of text 
    tfMatrix = vectorizer.transform(Document_List).toarray()

    This will output only the term-document matrix with features from wordList only.