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Windows Tensorflow with Python unable to read mnist data due to permissions

I'm using Python on windows and am following the standard tutorial for Tensorflow that requires reading the MNIST data set. Unfortunately I get the following error when trying to run:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\Users\matth\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6_cvro98'

That filename at the end changes each time the program runs. The code in question is:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets import mnist as input_data 

mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data", one_hot=True)

As far as I'm aware I'm running it as administrator with full access privileges on the user account. Unsure why I don't have permissions (or why it requires temp data in the first place)


  • I reinstalled python but this time marked the box that said 'for all users'. That seemed to solve the issue