I need to query neo4j by relationship type
this is My Entity class
public class ProductRecommendation {
private Long id;
String product;
@Relationship(type = "RECOMMENDS", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
Set<ProductRecommendation> linkedProducts = new HashSet<>();
I need to find all the nodes with relationship type as "RECOMMENDS".
Is there a default findBy method?
I tried with this and it works
public interface ProductRecommendationRepository extends GraphRepository<ProductRecommendation> {
@Query("MATCH p=()-[r:RECOMMENDS]->() RETURN p")
List<ProductRecommendation> findByRelationShipType();
however if I pass relationship type as variable, it doesn't work
public interface ProductRecommendationRepository extends GraphRepository<ProductRecommendation> {
@Query("MATCH p=()-[r:{0}]->() RETURN p")
List<ProductRecommendation> findByRelationShipType(String type);
Can someone please explain.
The relationship type cannot be parameterised (see http://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/#cypher-parameters).
so you will have to go with
public interface ProductRecommendationRepository extends GraphRepository<ProductRecommendation> {
@Query("MATCH p=()-[r:RECOMMENDS]->() RETURN p")
List<ProductRecommendation> findByRelationShipType();