I receive the output from my pandas datareader as the following:
0 2016-11-21 111.730003 119.680000
1 2016-11-22 111.800003 119.480003
2 2016-11-23 111.230003 119.820000
3 2016-11-25 111.790001 120.739998
4 2016-11-28 111.570000 120.760002
What I that the frame looks like:
Date Minor Adj Close
0 2016-11-21 AAPL 111.730003
1 2016-11-22 AAPL 111.800003
2 2016-11-23 AAPL 111.230003
3 2016-11-25 AAPL 111.790001
4 2016-11-28 AAPL 111.570000
0 2016-11-21 ACN 119.680000
1 2016-11-22 ACN 119.480003
2 2016-11-23 ACN 119.820000
3 2016-11-25 ACN 120.739998
4 2016-11-28 ACN 120.760002
How can I converte my code that I receive the output mentioned above? The code looks like:
import pandas_datareader.data as pdr
DataLevels = pdr.DataReader(['ACN','AAPL'], 'yahoo', '2016-11-19', '2016-12-1')
DataLevels = DataLevels['Adj Close'].reset_index()
DataLevels.rename(columns={'minor': ['ACN','AAPL'], 'Adj Close': 'Adj Close'}, inplace=True)
Use melt
to reshape the DF
from wide to long format:
pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Date'], value_name='Adj Close', var_name='Minor')