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AccessViolationException reading memory allocated in C++ application from C++/CLI DLL

I have a C++ client to a C++/CLI DLL, which initializes a series of C# dlls.

This used to work. The code that is failing has not changed. The code that has changed is not called before the exception is thrown. My compile environment has changed, but recompiling on a machine with an environment similar to my old one still failed. (EDIT: as we see in the answer this is not entirely true, I was only recompiling the library in the old environment, not the library and client together. The client projects had been upgraded and couldn't easily go back.)

Someone besides me recompiled the library, and we started getting memory management issues. The pointer passed in as a String must not be in the bottom 64K of the process's address space. I recompiled it, and all worked well with no code changes. (Alarm #1) Recently it was recompiled, and memory management issues with strings re-appeared, and this time they're not going away. The new error is Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

I'm pretty sure the problem is not located where I see the exception, the code didn't change between the successful and failing builds, but we should review that to be complete. Ignore the names of things, I don't have much control over the design of what it's doing with these strings. And sorry for the confusion, but note that _bridge and bridge are different things. Lots of lines of code missing because this question is already too long.

Defined in library:

struct Config
    std::string aye;
    std::string bee;
    std::string sea;

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BridgeBase_I* __stdcall Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer(
    const std::vector<Config> & newConfigs, /**< new configurations to apply **/
    std::string configFolderPath, /**< folder to write config files in **/
    std::string defaultConfigFolderPath, /**< folder to find default config files in **/
    std::string & status /**< output status of config parse **/

In client function:

GatewayWrapper::Config bridge;
std::string configPath("./config");
std::string defaultPath("./config/default");
GatewayWrapper::Config gwtransport;
bridge.aye = "bridged.dll";
bridge.bee = "1.0";
bridge.sea = "";
_bridge = GatewayWrapper::Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer(configs, configPath, defaultPath, status);

Note that call to library that is crashing is in the same scope as the vector declaration, struct declaration, string assignment and vector push-back There are no threading calls in this section of code, but there are other threads running doing other things. There is no pointer math here, there are no heap allocations in the area except perhaps inside the standard library.

I can run the code up to the Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer call in the debugger, and the contents of the configs vector look correct in the debugger.

Back in the library, in the first sub function, where the debugger don't shine, I've broken down the failing statement into several console prints.

System::String^ temp
List<CConfig^>^ configs = gcnew List<CConfig ^>((INT32)newConfigs.size());
for( int i = 0; i< newConfigs.size(); i++)
  std::cout << newConfigs[i].aye<< std::flush; // prints
  std::cout << newConfigs[i].aye.c_str() << std::flush; // prints
  temp = gcnew System::String(newConfigs[i].aye.c_str());
  System::Console::WriteLine(temp); // prints
  std::cout << "Testing string creation" << std::endl; // prints
  std::cout << newConfigs[i].bee << std::flush; // crashes here

I get the same exception on access of bee if I move the newConfigs[i].bee out above the assignment of temp or comment out the list declaration/assignment.

Just for reference that the std::string in a struct in a vector should have arrived at it's destination ok

Why this exception is not caught by my try/catch

Generic AccessViolationException related questions

Suggestions in above questions

  • Change to .net 3.5, change target platform - these solutions could have serious issues with a large mult-project solution.
  • HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions - does not work in C++, this decoration is for C#, catching this error could be a very bad idea anyway
  • Change legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy - this is about catching the error, not preventing it
  • Install .NET 4.5.2 - can't, already have 4.6.1. Installing 4.6.2 did not help. Recompiling on a different machine that didn't have 4.5 or 4.6 installed did not help. (Despite this used to compile and run on my machine before installing Visual Studio 2013, which strongly suggests the .NET library is an issue?)
  • VSDebug_DisableManagedReturnValue - I only see this mentioned in relation to a specific crash in the debugger, and the help from Microsoft says that other AccessViolationException issues are likely unrelated. (
  • Change Comodo Firewall settings - I don't use this software
  • Change all the code to managed memory - Not an option. The overall design of calling C# from C++ through C++/CLI is resistant to change. I was specifically asked to design it this way to leverage existing C# code from existing C++ code.
  • Make sure memory is allocated - memory should be allocated on the stack in the C++ client. I've attempted to make the vector be not a reference parameter, to force a vector copy into explicitly library controlled memory space, did not help.
  • "Access violations in unmanaged code that bubble up to managed code are always wrapped in an AccessViolationException." - Fact, not a solution.


  • but it was the mismatch, not the specific version that was the problem

    Yes, that's black letter law in VS. You unfortunately just missed the counter-measures that were built into VS2012 to turn this mistake into a diagnosable linker error. Previously (and in VS2010), the CRT would allocate its own heap with HeapAlloc(). Now (in VS2013), it uses the default process heap, the one returned by the GetProcessHeap().

    Which is in itself enough to trigger an AVE when you run your app on Vista or higher, allocating memory from one heap and releasing it from another triggers an AVE at runtime, a debugger break when you debug with the Debug Heap enabled.

    This is not where it ends, another significant issue is that the std::string object layout is not the same between the versions. Something you can discover with a little test program:

    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        std::cout << sizeof(std::string) << std::endl;
        return 0;
    • VS2010 Debug : 32
    • VS2010 Release : 28
    • VS2013 Debug : 28
    • VS2013 Release : 24

    I have a vague memory of Stephen Lavavej mentioning the std::string object size reduction, very much presented as a feature, but I can't find it back. The extra 4 bytes in the Debug build is caused by the iterator debugging feature, it can be disabled with _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 in the Preprocessor Definitions. Not a feature you'd quickly want to throw away but it makes mixing Debug and Release builds of the EXE and its DLLs quite lethal.

    Needless to say, the different object sizes seriously bytes when the Config object is created in a DLL built with one version of the standard C++ library and used in another. Many mishaps, the most basic one is that the code will simply read the Config::bee member from the wrong offset. An AVE is (almost) guaranteed. Lots more misery when code allocates the small flavor of the Config object but writes the large flavor of std::string, that randomly corrupts the heap or the stack frame.

    Don't mix.