The following code succesfully creates a commandbutton in the initialisation of a form:
create button
Dim Obj As Object
Set Obj = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "commandbuttondone", True)
With Obj
.Caption = "filled in"
.Left = 550
.Height = 40
.Width = 35
.Top = 5
End With
I think the above created commandbutton is named: "commandbuttondone", and when it is clicked I want it to do something, so in the code for the sheet, I created a sub:
Private Sub commandbuttondone_Click()
'Private Sub commandbutton_Click()
'Private Sub commandbutton1_Click()
'Sub commandbuttondone_Click()
'Sub commandbutton_Click()
'Sub commandbutton1_Click()
MsgBox (nr_of_zeros)
For test1 = 1 To nr_of_zeros + 1 'create textboxes
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim absorb_text As String
' stack suggestion:
' loop through all control in user form
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
' check if control is type TextBox
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
' if control name is 1 (first created TextBox in your array)
If = "1" Then
absorb_text = ctrl.Text
'the message box is for debug only
MsgBox absorb_text
End If
End If
Next ctrl
Next test1
End Sub
And nothing happens, not even the msgbox(nr_of_zeros)
. What don't I comprehend in this matter? Does the form not allow a msgbox to pop up, or did I get the name wrong?
You can create the CommandButton
at run-time with setting by defining a variable with Dim Cb As MSForms.CommandButton
, and then later set it with Set Cb = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "commandbuttondone", True)
, this will set-up a new Command-button named "commandbuttondone" to your User_Form1
Then once you click on it, use the code below just to display a message box with the Command button's name:
"commandbuttondone" code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub commandbuttondone_Click()
Dim CBctrl As Control
Dim absorb_text As String
' loop through all control in user form
For Each CBctrl In Me.Controls
' check if control is type Command button
If TypeName(CBctrl) = "CommandButton" Then
' if control name is "commandbuttondone"
If CBctrl.Name = "commandbuttondone" Then
absorb_text = CBctrl.Name
'the message box is for debug only
MsgBox absorb_text
End If
End If
Next CBctrl
End Sub