I have a file index.php
and in the same level I have a folder called models where I have my user model User.php
I am trying to user php active-record library, so I downloaded the library and put it inside a folder called core, the structure looks like this:
|---> index.php
|---> models/User.php
|---> core/php-activerecord
My User model is pretty simple :
class User extends ActiveRecord\Model{
public function __construct(){
and my index.php file looks like this :
require_once 'core/php-activerecord/ActiveRecord.php';
'development' => 'mysql://root:@localhost/ar'));
$user = User::create(array('name' => 'test', 'email' => 'test@test.com', 'password' => 'blahblah'));
When I visit index.php I get the following error :
Fatal error: Uncaught ActiveRecord\ActiveRecordException: Class not
found: User in /home/mody/php_projects/membership/core/php-activerecord
/lib/Reflections.php:66 Stack trace: #0 /home/mody/php_projects/membership
ActiveRecord\Reflections->get('User') #1 /home/mody/php_projects/membership
ActiveRecord\Validations->__construct(Object(User)) #2 /home/mody/php_projects
ActiveRecord\Model->_validate() #3 /home/mody/php_projects/membership
/core/php-activerecord/lib/Model.php(777): ActiveRecord\Model->insert(true)
#4 /home/mody/php_projects/membership/core/php-activerecord
/lib/Model.php(758): ActiveRecord\Model->save(true) #5 /home/mody/php_projects
/membership/index.php(25): ActiveRecord\Model::create(Array) #6 {main} thrown
in /home/mody/php_projects/membership/core/php-activerecord
/lib/Reflections.php on line 66
I am not sure why this happens ? I tested the connextion (using pdo) to my database and everything working ! any help ?
You included your core phpmyadmin file, but not your user file. The class is therefore not loaded, as the error says.