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Different Akka Actor instances receive messages

I created dependency injection with Guice in Spray project as described in this tutorial.

My Guice module:

class ActorsModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule  with GuiceAkkaActorRefProvider {
override def configure() {

def provideGenesActorRef(@Inject() system: ActorSystem): ActorRef =   provideActorRef(system,

def provideSearchSegmentsActorRef(@Inject() system: ActorSystem): ActorRef = provideActorRef(system,

def provideCollectionsFinderActorRef(@Inject() system: ActorSystem):   ActorRef = provideActorRef(system,


I have http service actor, which gets by injections other actors and forwards messages to those actors:

object HttpServiceActor extends NamedActor {
  override final val name: String = "HttpServiceActor"

class HttpServiceActor @Inject()(@Named( searchSegmentsActor: ActorRef,
                             @Named( collectionsFinderActor: ActorRef,
                             @Named( genesActor: ActorRef)
                                extends Actor with SearchHttpService with ActorLogging {

                 def actorRefFactory = context

                 def receive = runRoute(
                      sprayRoute(searchSegmentsActor, collectionsFinderActor, genesActor) ~


and I need to send periodically messages to one of this injected actors, so my main method looks like:

val injector = Guice.createInjector(
  new ConfigModule(),
  new AkkaModule(),
  new DaoModule(),
  new ActorsModule()

implicit val system = injector.getInstance(classOf[ActorSystem])

val service = system.actorOf(GuiceAkkaExtension(system).props(
val collectionsActor = system.actorOf(GuiceAkkaExtension(system).props(
system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 1 minutes, collectionsActor, new RefreshCollections())

IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(service, system.settings.config.getString("app.interface"), system.settings.config.getInt("app.port"))

Actually I see that I have 2 instances of CollectionsFinderActor - one receives scheduled messages every 1 minute and the second receives messages forwarded by HttpServiceActor

Of course this is not what I expect - I want that the same instance of CollectionsFinderActor will receive both messages.

What I'm doing wrong?


  • I fixed the problem by adding @Singleton annotation to provideGenesActorRef method

    def provideGenesActorRef(@Inject() system: ActorSystem): ActorRef =   provideActorRef(system,