After pressing v and entering visual mode in vim, I would like to move those lines up a few rows. The solution discussed here does not suit me as I would like to move lines visually, i.e. I don't want to be typing m:+n
as I don't know the value of n
. Is there are keyboard shortcut that would allow me to move the selected lines in visual mode one line at time down or up by pressing the key sequence?
There's no built-in command for that but you could build one with :help :move
" move selected lines up one line
xnoremap <somekey> :m-2<CR>
" move selected lines down one line
xnoremap <otherkey> :m'>+<CR>
What we want is to move the selection between the line above the current one and the second line above the current one:
current line - 2 > aaa
current line - 1 > aaa
current line > bbb <
bbb < visual selection
bbb <
The right ex command is thus :m-2
The current line is not a good starting point because it's the first line in our selection but we can use the '>
mark (end of visual selection):
current line > bbb <
bbb < visual selection
end of visual selection > bbb <
end of visual selection + 1 > ccc
The right ex command is thus :m'>+1
But we lost our selection so we have to do gv
to get it back before moving the selection again. Not good.
" move selected lines up one line
xnoremap <somekey> :m-2<CR>gv
" move selected lines down one line
xnoremap <otherkey> :m'>+<CR>gv
Where we simply append gv
to the end of our previous mapping. Neat. But what about fixing indentation as we go?
" move selected lines up one line
xnoremap <somekey> :m-2<CR>gv=gv
" move selected lines down one line
xnoremap <otherkey> :m'>+<CR>gv=gv
Where appending =gv
to our mappings fixes the indentation (:help v_=
) and reselects our lines.
" move current line up one line
nnoremap <somekey> :<C-u>m-2<CR>==
" move current line down one line
nnoremap <otherkey> :<C-u>m+<CR>==