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Autocomplete and tab key in PDB

I have been trying to get TAB to do something else than inserting a tab while at the (pdb) prompt.

What I have in mind is triggering autocomplete such as in here or here, but the tab key doesn't do anything else than adding tabs to pdb.

So with:

(pdb)var + tabKeyPressed

I'd want to get:


instead of:

(pdb)var[          ]


  • The iPython is third-party solution for this problem. Sometimes you can only rely on vanilla Python. I found 2 solutions for it.

    Per-shell solution - usage module 'rlcompleter':

    $ python3
    Python 3.4.3 (default, Sep 14 2016, 12:36:27) 
    [GCC 4.8.4] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import pdb
    >>> pdb.set_trace()
    > <stdin>(1)<module>()->None
    # press tab - but nothing
    (Pdb) str.
    *** SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    (Pdb) --KeyboardInterrupt--
    (Pdb) c
    >>> import rlcompleter
    >>> pdb.Pdb.complete=rlcompleter.Completer(locals()).complete
    >>> pdb.set_trace()
    > <stdin>(1)<module>()->None
    (Pdb) str.
    str.__add__(            str.__getattribute__(   str.__name__            str.__text_signature__  str.isdigit(            str.rfind(
    str.__base__(           str.__getitem__(        str.__ne__(             str.__weakrefoffset__   str.isidentifier(       str.rindex(
    str.__bases__           str.__getnewargs__(     str.__new__(            str.capitalize(         str.islower(            str.rjust(
    str.__basicsize__       str.__gt__(             str.__prepare__(        str.casefold(           str.isnumeric(          str.rpartition(
    str.__call__(           str.__hash__(           str.__qualname__             str.isprintable(        str.rsplit(
    str.__class__(          str.__init__(           str.__reduce__(         str.count(              str.isspace(            str.rstrip(
    str.__contains__(       str.__instancecheck__(  str.__reduce_ex__(      str.encode(             str.istitle(            str.split(
    str.__delattr__(        str.__itemsize__        str.__repr__(           str.endswith(           str.isupper(            str.splitlines(
    str.__dict__            str.__iter__(           str.__rmod__(           str.expandtabs(         str.join(               str.startswith(
    str.__dictoffset__      str.__le__(             str.__rmul__(           str.find(               str.ljust(              str.strip(
    str.__dir__(            str.__len__(            str.__setattr__(        str.format(             str.lower(              str.swapcase(
    str.__doc__             str.__lt__(             str.__sizeof__(         str.format_map(         str.lstrip(             str.title(
    str.__eq__(             str.__mod__(            str.__str__(            str.index(              str.maketrans(          str.translate(
    str.__flags__           str.__module__          str.__subclasscheck__(  str.isalnum(            str.mro(                str.upper(
    str.__format__(         str.__mro__             str.__subclasses__(     str.isalpha(            str.partition(          str.zfill(
    str.__ge__(             str.__mul__(            str.__subclasshook__(   str.isdecimal(          str.replace(            
    (Pdb) c

    System-wide solution - usage file ~/.pdbrc

    $ cat ~/.pdbrc
    import rlcompleter
    $ python3
    Python 3.4.3 (default, Sep 14 2016, 12:36:27) 
    [GCC 4.8.4] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import pdb
    >>> pdb.set_trace()
    > <stdin>(1)<module>()->None
    (Pdb) str.
    str.__add__(            str.__getattribute__(   str.__name__            str.__text_signature__  str.isdigit(            str.rfind(
    str.__base__(           str.__getitem__(        str.__ne__(             str.__weakrefoffset__   str.isidentifier(       str.rindex(
    str.__bases__           str.__getnewargs__(     str.__new__(            str.capitalize(         str.islower(            str.rjust(
    str.__basicsize__       str.__gt__(             str.__prepare__(        str.casefold(           str.isnumeric(          str.rpartition(
    str.__call__(           str.__hash__(           str.__qualname__             str.isprintable(        str.rsplit(
    str.__class__(          str.__init__(           str.__reduce__(         str.count(              str.isspace(            str.rstrip(
    str.__contains__(       str.__instancecheck__(  str.__reduce_ex__(      str.encode(             str.istitle(            str.split(
    str.__delattr__(        str.__itemsize__        str.__repr__(           str.endswith(           str.isupper(            str.splitlines(
    str.__dict__            str.__iter__(           str.__rmod__(           str.expandtabs(         str.join(               str.startswith(
    str.__dictoffset__      str.__le__(             str.__rmul__(           str.find(               str.ljust(              str.strip(
    str.__dir__(            str.__len__(            str.__setattr__(        str.format(             str.lower(              str.swapcase(
    str.__doc__             str.__lt__(             str.__sizeof__(         str.format_map(         str.lstrip(             str.title(
    str.__eq__(             str.__mod__(            str.__str__(            str.index(              str.maketrans(          str.translate(
    str.__flags__           str.__module__          str.__subclasscheck__(  str.isalnum(            str.mro(                str.upper(
    str.__format__(         str.__mro__             str.__subclasses__(     str.isalpha(            str.partition(          str.zfill(
    str.__ge__(             str.__mul__(            str.__subclasshook__(   str.isdecimal(          str.replace(            
    (Pdb) c


    1. Tested only on the Python 3.4

    2. OS - Linux Mint

    3. Based on