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Multiway trees and structures

I have a problem in applied math that can be almost perfectly mapped to finding the longest path in a multiway tree.

I have a function child() which gives child nodes (points in space satisfying a condition). The only caveat is that child() requires all previous nodes connected to it including the root node. It is here where I am struggling to write my code recursively. So far, I have something like below.

def multitree(node):
     tmp_list = child(node)
     for child2 in tmp_list:
           if len(child(child2)))==0:       #if you hit a leaf (dead end), go to next element

But at this point, I'm not sure what to return. I essentially want to map the entire multiway tree until i reach a leaf for everything. Any ideas or tips? thanks guys.


Update 1: For completeness sake, I sketched out a rough idea of what input child() requires: Basically to find the child nodes of the node marked by the arrow child() requires the list of nodes between root and the node itself, i.e. the nodes marked with a red dot.

Update 2:

I've written child(node) as below and I am currently working on it --

def pathwalk(node):

    children = child(node)
    paths = [child(node.append(kid)) for kid in children]

    return paths


  • You can do something like this to get just the longest path. Here it gets you a list of nodes, from there you can extract any relevant information:

    def longest_path(node):
        children = child(node)
        if not children: # leaf node
            return [node]
        children_vals = [longest_path(c) for c in children]
        longest = max(children_vals, key=len)
        return [node] + longest

    Doesn't handle ties, or rather chooses one option arbitrarily.

    (note: semi-tested)