Thanks in advance, I want to generate sequence from A to Z and after that 0 to 9 and after that it will move to AA, AB, AC ..... AZ, A0, A1 .... A9, BA and so on
i had tried to implement it as following
public static string GenerateSequence(List<string> inputList)
string identifierCode = "A";
//check if list does not contains any element
if (!inputList.Any()) return identifierCode;
//sort codes
//get last code
var lastItem = inputList[inputList.Count - 1];
//split code
var splittedChars = lastItem.ToCharArray();
bool incrementNext = true;
for (int i = 0; i < splittedChars.Length; i++)
if (incrementNext)
var effectedNumber = splittedChars.Length - (i + 1);
if (effectedNumber >= 0)
var charToIncrement = splittedChars[effectedNumber];
switch (charToIncrement)
case 'Z':
charToIncrement = '0';
incrementNext = false;
case '9':
charToIncrement = 'A';
incrementNext = true;
splittedChars[effectedNumber] = charToIncrement;
incrementNext = false;
splittedChars[effectedNumber] = charToIncrement;
return "A" + splittedChars;
return new string(splittedChars);
but inputList.Sort() sorts numbers before Alphabets so my code fails after Z
A recursive approach to generate sequence required is as follows
public static string GenerateSequence(int col)
if (col>=1 && col <= 36)
string schars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
return schars[col-1].ToString();
int div = col / 36;
int mod = col % 36;
if (mod == 0) { mod = 36; div--; }
return GenerateSequence(div) + GenerateSequence(mod);
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 1; i < 250; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i + "---" + GenerateSequence(i));