I'm trying to program an ATtiny13A with avrdude
, using an Olimex AVR-ISP500 programmer, through the 6-pin ICSP connector. However, I can't get it to communicate with my MCU. The user guide tells to use -cstk500v2
, here is the log with this option: https://ghostbin.com/paste/8yx35, and here is the log with -cavrisp
: https://ghostbin.com/paste/2rpx6 (the command is $ avrdude -cXXXXXXX -P/dev/ttyACM0 -pattiny13 -v -F
). The chip signature changes, but it always starts with 0x88. Here is how it's connected:
What might I have done wrong?
UPD: rearranged the wires like that:
[Vcc] [MISO]
It now measures the voltage correctly, but is still unable to communicate with the MCU.
UPD2: uploaded the new log with wires rearranged.
UPD3: on each side, both red and black wires are connected to a power supply, red to Vcc, black to GND.
The programmer was too fast, -B5
solved it.