I've got UpSource, YouTrack and Hub setup. I have a project called "Overhaul" which has two services UpSource and YouTrack. Both are connected via VCS. UpSource recieves everything that happens within the repository yet when I want to update an issue in YouTrack via a commit message it doesn't update in YouTrack issue tracker, the issue state remains the same.
My commit message would be: #HAUL-1 Fixed
YouTrack integration with UpSource is enabled and everything should be working the way I want it to, I've searched everywhere and tried recreating the project over and over and have checked everything time and time again but I cannot figure out what am I doing wrong.
From the YouTrack installation: Menu > UpSource Integration
Click on your UpSource integration then click enable. This will allow UpSource to push commands to YouTrack.
From: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/standalone/7.0/Integration-with-Upsource.html#d67048e120