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How to use "emojione" in Ionic App

In my Ionic App, I want to use emojione for smiley in chat. Unfortunately, I didn't find useful documentation to show how to use emojione.

Now I want to create a popup that contain all list of smiley and it's related group. like this:

enter image description here

In downloaded files, There are png sprite of smiley and it's css file, But there isn't any HTML file that show the smiley list.

How can I create this list?


  • After research two days, I didn't find any answer on internet, So, I wrote the list (that contain all of the emoji with it's category) myself and solve the problem.

    In downloaded folder at, there is some file that I used to create list:

    1. emojione.sprites.css That contain background-position and classname

    2. emojione.sprites.png This is a sprite image of all emoji

    3. emoji.json Than contain all emoji name,category, unicode and ...

    I used ionic tab and angular ng-repeat and groupBy filter in angular-filter

    angular-filter: Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS

    Important: Use unicode In emoji.json for each emoji classname to show emoji in background of an element(spite).


    <div class="emoji-wrapper">
        <div class="tabs">
           <a ng-repeat="(key, value) in emojies | groupBy:'category'" class="tab-item" ng-click="changeTab($index)">
         <div ng-repeat="(key, value) in emojies | groupBy:'category'" id="{{key}}" ng-show="tabActive[$index]">
                <li ng-repeat="emoji in value">
                     <span class="emojione emojione-{{emoji.unicode}}"></span>


    $scope.emojies = [];
    $scope.tabActive = [];
    $scope.tabActive[0] = true;
    $http.get("emoji.json").then(function (response) {
        angular.forEach( , function ($elem , $index) {
    $scope.changeTab = function (index) {
        $scope.tabActive = [];
        $scope.tabActive[index] = true;