I want to copy all files with all subdirectories to another machine (using a WinRM session) and the copy part of my script looks like this:
$sourceDir = "C:\Build\Application1"
$targetDir = "C:\Install\Application1"
Copy-Item -ToSession $session -Path $sourceDir\* -Destination $targetDir -Recurse -Force
contains two subdirectories:
C:\Build\Application1 (3 files)
+--- Application Files (empty)
+--- Application_2016_12_10_2 (10 files)
Scenario 1
If the folder Application1
does not exist yet in C:\Install
, the destination folder structure looks like this after executing my script:
C:\Install\Application1 (3 files)
+--- Application_2016_12_10_2 (10 files)
Scenario 2
If the folder Application1
already exists in C:\Install
, the destination folder structure looks like this as expected:
C:\Install\Application1 (3 files)
+--- Application Files (empty)
+--- Application_2016_12_10_2 (10 files)
Why is my script not creating the folder Application Files
in the first scenario? Can someone clarify?
I'm using Powershell 5
See the issue what you are facing is because you are telling powershell to copy the items from the sourcedir\* . As a result, it is looking for the content of it.
So just use this directly and it will work :
$sourceDir = "C:\Build\Application1"
$targetDir = "C:\Install\Application1"
Copy-Item -ToSession $session -Path $sourceDir -Destination $targetDir -Recurse -Force
Hope it helps