I build a form using form builder:
public searchMapForm = this.formBuilder.group({
country: ["DE"],
postcode: ["13347", this.searchCont],
this: [this]
The custom validator for the postcode looks like:
private searchCont( c ) {
if( !c || !c.value || c.value.length < 4 ) return { toShort: { valid: false } };
var __this = c._parent && c._parent.controls.this.value; // this look too complicated
if( __this && __this.http ) {
__this.http.get('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&addressdetails=1&limit=5&postalcode=' + c.value + '&countrycodes=' + c._parent.controls.country.value ).subscribe(res => {
let l = res.json()[0];
if( l ) {
__this.map.setView( [l.lat, l.lon], 13, { animate: true } )
__this.markers.map( m => { m.remove(); } )
__this.markers = [];
__this.markers.push( L.marker( [l.lat, l.lon] ).addTo( __this.map ) );
return null;
After each change the callback is called, but this
is undefined. So I had to find a way to access this. Everything works fine, but doesn't look fine. What would be best pratice in this case?
I would put the http request call in form valueChanges event instead.
if(this.searchMapForm.controls['postcode'].valid && !this.searchMapForm.controls['postcode'].pristine){
this.http.get('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&addressdetails=1&limit=5&postalcode=' + e.postcode + '&countrycodes=' + e.country ).subscribe(res => {
let l = res.json()[0];
if( l ) {
this.map.setView( [l.lat, l.lon], 13, { animate: true } )
this.markers.map( m => { m.remove(); } )
this.markers = [];
this.markers.push( L.marker( [l.lat, l.lon] ).addTo( this.map ) );
OR you could think of creating a separate directive like the tutorial here