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How to resolve : ReflectionException in Route.php line 333: Method App\Http\Controllers\PerekamanController::show() does not exist" in Laravel 5.3?

My proses.blade.php is like this :

<form method="POST" action="{{ url('/perekamans/proses') }}">
    {!! csrf_field() !!}

My routes\web.php is like this :

Route::resource('perekamans', 'PerekamanController');

Route::get('perekamans/proses', ['uses' => 'PerekamanController@listdata']);

My PerekamanController is like this :


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class PerekamanController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        return view('perekamans.index');

    public function listData()
        return view('');

My show.blade.php is like this :



    <section class="content-header">
        <h1 class="pull-left">PEREKAMAN DATA</h1>
    <div class="content">
        <div class="clearfix"></div>


        <div class="clearfix"></div>
        <div class="box box-primary">
            <div class="box-body">

I call from url like this : http://localhost/mysystem/public/perekaman/proses

There exist error like this :

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 ReflectionException in Route.php line 333: Method App\Http\Controllers\PerekamanController::show() does not exist

in Route.php line 333
at ReflectionMethod->__construct('App\Http\Controllers\PerekamanController', 'show') in Route.php line 333
at Route->signatureParameters('Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model') in Router.php line 789

It looks like my code is correct, but why it is still an error?

Is there any solution to solve my problem?

Update :

Sorry, I can not answer all your questions. every time I write a comment to answer questions with you, and then click the comment button, it can not. there exist message :
question eligible for bounty in 2 days
so you immediately provide any solution


  • you make mistake at your route:

    Route::get('perekamans/proses', ['uses' => 'PerekamanController@listdata']);
    Route::resource('perekamans', 'PerekamanController');

    Change the sequence become like that.

    And one more thing at Laravel you can make it simpler.

    Route::get('perekamans/proses', 'PerekamanController@listdata');

    you don't need to use uses to set which controller it will use