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Manipulating XML Nodes in SQL (Merging nodes)

In SQL Server, how can you merge a collection of nodes into one? Take the XML below for example. How can I go from the format below, to having the multiple 'Attribute' nodes under a single 'Attributes' node?

    </Attributes> -- **how can i remove this**
    <Attributes> -- **and this**

Edit: I have a 2nd part to this question Given this input:


How can I merge the attributes to achieve this output, where values are also merged based on a matching ID?



  • This is an approach with FLWOR-XQuery:

    DECLARE @xml XML=

    --The query will re-create the XML according to your needs:

    SELECT @xml.query
            for $a in //Attributes/Attribute
            return $a

    The result


    UPDATE Your follow-up question

    In this case I'd rather shred and re-create the full XML:

    DECLARE @xml XML=
    WITH attribs AS
        SELECT a.value('Id[1]','int') AS Id
              ,v.value('.','int') AS Value
        FROM @xml.nodes('/Thing/Attributes/Attribute') AS A(a)
        OUTER APPLY a.nodes('Values/Value') AS B(v)
    ,distinctAttribIDs AS
        SELECT DISTINCT Id FROM attribs
    SELECT @xml.value('(/Thing/Id)[1]','int') AS Id
                SELECT da.Id
                        SELECT a.Value
                        FROM attribs AS a
                        WHERE a.Id=da.Id
                        FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Values'),TYPE
                FROM distinctAttribIDs AS da
                FOR XML PATH('Attribute'),ROOT('Attributes'),TYPE
    FOR XML PATH('Thing')