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BlackBerry JDE Eclipse install

Installing BlackBerry's JDE in Eclipse, via Help > Install New Software, it fails with this error:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: BlackBerry Java Plug-in (
Missing requirement: BlackBerry Java Plug-in ( requires ' [3.4.0,3.5.0)' but it could not be found


I downloaded pluging(full installer) setup, but not it doesn't work. I work on win7, it says me Select another path for install, I tried everywhere... nothing changes.

ITS OK. I DOWNLOADED eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32 version. I am downloadng content from blackberry now... But I have a problem about installing plugin manually.!!


  • I had this exact kind of problem. Worked on it on and off for over a week. Never got a good solution. I noticed that when I did the install it was saying "blocking" and it would take several hours to do the install. I tried it from work and from home. It still took hours. Most of the time it failed. One time it finally worked (or seemed to), but there were missing menu options. I suspect the error message is wrong.

    Short answer, I've gotten marginal success using an alternate method of install. Try this:

    Click on "Download the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.1 (full installer)"

    It seems to install correctly and MUCH quicker (on the order of a few minutes as opposed to hours), no error messages, no warning messages - and the expected menu items are there.

    Good luck.

    Note: I still have the problem that I can't get the damned applications to install on the phone even though they work in the simulator, but I'm reasonably confident it's not because the JDE installation failed.