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Print history list with ocaml utop

Is there a way to print the history list in utop, like calling history from bash? I haven't found any sort of history ring associated with utop-mode in emacs either. I'm trying to use the history to hippie-expand against in the REPL.

Utop appears to respond to commands like history-prev and history-next (from utop.el), but that is all I have found.


  • This

    μ> #require "lambda-term";;
    μ> LTerm_history.contents UTop.history;;

    will print out your utop history as an OCaml list of strings with the first element being the latest command you've executed (which is unsurprisingly "LTerm_history.contents UTop.history;;").

    Note: you can add #require "lambda-term";; into your .ocamlinit file to skip the first command in the above listing.

    There is also ~/.utop-history file, if you'd like to use some system utilities to access your utop history.