I'm doing the backend for a web application and I'm using the html2pdf class (http://html2pdf.fr/) to create a PDF file with existing data out of my database.
My frontend developer says he can not use that "stream" i deliver with the API using angular. I use the ->Output('D') method to provide the file.
Does anybody know how to use this class to download PDF files with angularjs?
To download the data for a PDF file, use responseType: "arraybuffer"
var config = { responseType: "arraybuffer" };
vm.fetch = function() {
$http.get(url, config).then(function(response) {
vm.result = "SUCCESS";
vm.length = response.data.byteLength + " bytes";
var blob = new Blob([response.data],
{type: "application/pdf"});
vm.data = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
}).catch(function(response) {
vm.result = "ERROR "+response.status;
Convert the data to blob url and use a download button:
<a download="{{name}}.pdf" xd-href="data">
<button>Download data</button>
app.module("myApp").directive("xdHref", function() {
return function linkFn (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.xdHref, function(newVal) {
newVal && elem.attr("href", newVal);
The DEMO on PLNKR downloads http://demo.html2pdf.fr/examples/exemple07.php