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How to prevent a Cordova application built with Monaca from using default system font-size?

I am working on small cordova mobile application ,so i have been using Monaca and Onsen UI because they are very useful and helpful for such things

The problem i got that when i run the app in my phone i get very small fonts because i am using tiny fonts in my phone but when i set it to medium or small they app looks well

The question is :how can i prevent my app from using the default system font-size
I even added the Mobile Accessibility plugin but it seems that Monaca does not support it yet


  • First Option:

    HERE is a library for Cordova that will allow you to ignore the user's device defaults for text scaling, screen reading and color-inversion.

    You would then implement via:

            $window.MobileAccessibility.usePreferredTextZoom(false);//Dont Scale Text

    This works with Ionic framework, and seeing as it is a Cordova libriary it should work with Monaca as well.

    This implementation should be used AFTER Cordova deviceready call.

    Second Option:

    While in normal Android Development, to account for this issue a Developer would use DP for UI Elements, however in a HTML/CSS built app we don;t have access to this.

    You would instead target CSS properties:

    vw: 1/100th viewport width
    vh: 1/100th viewport height
    vmin: 1/100th of the smallest side
    vmax: 1/100th of the largest side

    Drawbacks include: Doesn't work in Opera or on iOS devices properly.

    Also note: The reason for this behavior is that devices and apps are meant to be weaved together according to proper UI/UX design. This meaning any user set device UI/UX settings should also be carried into any apps they use.

    While true, it is common for these rules to be ignored as long as intentional UX/UI purpose is present and the design is not solely used to look "pretty".

    Keep in mind, many other options may be available dependent on need/use