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Using OSVR camera in OpenCV 3

I'm trying to use the OSVR IR camera in OpenCV 3.1.

Initialization works OK.

Green LED is lit on camera.

When I call it returns false and mat is empty. Other cameras work fine with the same code and VLC can grab the stream from the OSVR camera.

Some further testing reveals: grab() return true, whereas retrieve(mat) again returns false. Getting width and height from the camera yields expected results but MODE and FORMAT gets me 0.

Is this a config issue? Can it be solved by a combination of VideoCapture.set calls?


  • Alternative Official answer received from the developers (after my own solution below): The reason my camera didn't work out of the box with OpenCV might be that it has old firmware (pre-v7).

    Work around (or just update firmware):

    I found the answer here while browsing anything remotely linked to the issue: Fastest way to get frames from webcam

    You need to specify that it should use DirectShow.

    VideoCapture capture( CV_CAP_DSHOW + id_of_camera );